Jonathan Gibbs
Co-Founder/President Jonathan worked as a researcher for Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt in Hamburg, Germany, the M.I.T. Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment and as an aerodynamicist in Boeing’s New Airplane Product Development group (NAPD). Jon holds a S.B and S.M. in Aerospace Engineering from M.I.T. and is completing a dissertation on Savion's novel Inverse Aircraft Design Method for TUHH in Hamburg, Germany.
Adrian Townsend
Co-Founder/Chief of Aerodynamics Adrian worked as an Aerodynamicist in Boeing’s New Airplane product Development group, in CFD software sales for Mentor Graphics and as a Thermal Engineer for Amazon. Adrian holds an S.B in Aerospace Engineering from M.I.T. and a masters in applied mathematics from the University of Washington.